Have you had photos taken by a professional photographer and received a CD or USB? What did you do with that CD or USB? Or is it sitting in a drawer? Or on a shelf collecting dust?
I think the digital age has changed many people into thinking that it is better to have all the images on a CD or on our computers. Well, I believe we need to get back to the way that our parents and grandparents treasured photographs. True memories printed on beautiful paper. Large family photographs hung in beautiful frames for all to see.
Almost 2 years ago, I lost the person I treasured most in this world, my grandmother. She had so many photographs from her childhood and mine in an old cedar chest. Oh how I treasure them. They are memories. Her memories. My mom's memories. My families memories. My memories. Would you sit in front of a computer when you have a family get together to look through old pictures? Would your loved ones even know where to look if something happened to you? What happens if your computer got a non repairable virus? What if you were a victim of theft? Technology is always changing. We went from floppy disc to hard discs to VHS to DVD's to USB's. What comes next? They would be gone! Just gone! No way. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to look back and see old photographs and albums of my memories when I am gone. I hope they will treasure them half as much as I treasure my grandmother's old photographs. Don't you?
Professionally printed albums are a fantastic way to showcase your families memories. They are timeless. They are beautiful and you can leave them out on a coffee table for family & friends to look through and actually enjoy. So think about that the next time you schedule a photo session of your family or special event. There are so many beautiful options out there to preserve your memories that will last for generations. Let's treasure those memories together.