Oh what a fun morning at the Belleville East YMCA! Today the YMCA hosted an Easter Egg hunt and many other activities for the kiddos to enjoy! So what's a girl to do on this beautiful spring morning.......Grab the kiddos and the camera and head out the door.
When we got there, my girls wanted a picture with the Chick Fila cow, not the Easter Bunny.
After meeting Mr. Cow they wanted to be the first ones in line for the rock climbing wall, and they were! Neither one of my ladies have been rock climbing before so they were oh so excited!
It's almost time for the main event......We headed over to the field and got to watch as the great employees of the Y did thier thing and spread the eggs all over the field. There were eggs flying everywhere. The time has come. Time for the kiddos to be all lined up. On your mark, Get set, GO!!!!!!
It was a great morning to be out and about in our community. A big thanks to the Belleville East YMCA for hosting such a great event!
Mar 19, 2016, 5:00:55 PM
Mellie - LOVE the new pictures. Almost as good as being there.
It's great to see your family having a great time.